Self-study Materials

Our study materials and tutorials will you help you even outside of opening hours.

You are welcome to visit our courses.

General Instructions

Do you have questions about the library account, the search in general or the item locations?

Information on the Katalog plus

Are you looking for books and articles in the catalog and selected databases?

Information on the Catalog (aDIS)

Are you looking for literature in the holdings of the University Library and in the holdings of the decentralized libraries of the University of Stuttgart or via interlibrary loan?

Information on Databases

Are you looking for articles in the Electronic Journals Library or in subject databases?

Study Modules on ILIAS

Are you looking for tutorials on the reference management with Citavi, the search in general or on citing?

Information on Catalogs of the Institute Libraries

Are you specifically looking for literature in an institute library of the University of Stuttgart?

Reach the Goal Faster with the Video Tutorials of the University Library


Ask a Librarian

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