Courses & Tutorials

Here you will find an overview of our course offerings and online tutorials.

Course Offer and Information Competence

The University Library’s guided tours and courses are offered regularly at both City Center and Vaihingen location, especially at the beginning of the semester, however. The number of participants per course is restricted for lack of space, so please register in time via the online registration.

If required, further events and dates can be offered – for groups, seminars, tutorials, or new employees, for example.

If you are interested, please contact: Hannah Kempe or Ute Dittmar (Vaihingen).

Courses of the University Library

Introduction and Research Data

If you are beginning with Master's studies at University of Stuttgart and you want to use library resources, this tour is for you. On our library tour we will familiarize you with the University of Stuttgart Library's layout and resources. You will find out about opening hours, borrowing rights, loan periods, finding books and journals, requesting items, placing holds and checking your library account. You will learn how to use our online catalog and other internet-based library services. You will learn how to access electronic journals, databases and other licensed electronic resources.

The focus will be on subjects for international Master's programs of science or engineering. Other international students, scientists or employees are also welcome.

Duration: 60 minutes

Dates and Registration 


Research data, workflows and software are valuable research outputs that are crucial for the traceability and reproducibility of research results. Various services and facilities at the University of Stuttgart support the secure storage, traceable documentation and findable and reusable publication of data and software. After a short general introduction to research data management and a presentation of the services at the University of Stuttgart, we will create data sets in the DaRUS data repository in a hands-on session and lay the foundations for our own data management plan. Please bring your own laptop.


Duration: 90 minutes

Meeting mode: in presence

Venue: Universitätsstraße 32-34, Raum U34.150

Dates and Registration

Courses of the TU9 Libraries


Presentations at renowned conferences and publications in recognized journals are the currency of science. For you as a scientist it is important to make your research visible and to publish your findings. This is what dubious organizers and publishers try to exploit with fraudulent publication offers. In this course you will learn how to identify and avoid dubious offers.


Media coverage has made the fraudulent business models of dubious providers known to the general public. Well-known scientists suddenly found themselves exposed because they had registered for pseudo conferences or had published in predatory journals.

However, it is not always easy to identify the black sheep of scientific publishing. The course will show you how to identify and avoid dubious offers. You will learn about criteria for seriousness, evaluation portals and checklists. Of course there will also be the opportunity to ask questions.

Target audience: Scientific staff, Researchers

Organizer: UB TU München

Date: 18.02.2025 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Registration: here

Reference management

Event for participants without prior knowledge of Citavi.

Managing sources and citations in the academic writing process requires a lot of attention, time and care. Reference management programmes can help here. In this workshop you will learn to use the programme Citavi.

  • How do I search for literature in reference management programmes?
  • How do I import title data and documents?
  • How do I structure literature based on an outline?
  • How do I create knowledge elements such as image citations from PDFs?
  • How do I insert footnote and text citations into my text?
  • How do I work with Citavi in a team?

You will get answers to these questions in the workshop and can apply your new knowledge directly to practical examples.

Please install Citavi (including Word- Add-In) on your computer before the workshop starts.
If you are attending, please make sure that your VPN access is activated.

Target audience: Researchers

Date: 13.02.2025 3:20 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.

Lecturer: Leona Maron

Tool used: Zoom

Registration:  Registration until 24h before the start of the workshop via Cituro.

Link to the original application here.

Visual material: here.

Research Data Management

In your research, a large amount of digital data and possibly software is created. You may also reuse data and software from previous research projects. A lot of questions about research data management come along, e.g.

  • What are the "Guidelines on Digital Research Data at TU Darmstadt"?
  • Where do I save my data safely and securely?
  • How do I keep track of my data?
  • Does anyone else understand my data?
  • Who actually owns research data and who may use it?
  • What standards, best practices and tools for dealing with data are there in my field?
  • Where and how can I archive or publish selected data?
  • What happens to the data after my project is completed?
  • How does the research data team at TU Darmstadt - TUdata - support me in handling my data?

We will answer these and other - and above all your - questions during this workshop. In particular, we will get to know the TUdata tools: TUdmo, TU-GitLab, TUdatalib.

Note: Please bring along data from your own research.

Target audience: Researchers

Date: 05.12.2024 9:50 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.

Lecturer: Jürgen Windeck & Andreas Geißner

Tool used: Zoom

Registration:  Registration until 24h before the start of the workshop via Cituro.

Further information you will find here.

Visual material: here.

At the heart of good management is a plan. Just as research proposals outline the scope and goals of research projects, data management plans (DMP) specify the handling of research data during and after a research project.
In a DMP, researchers document how data is collected, managed, stored, retained and published throughout the lifecycle of a given research project.

Creating DMPs (according to the specifications of funders) at the beginning of the project helps to prepare for the technical requirements during the active research phase and to determine the necessary resources (budget) for the upcoming data challenges.

During this training session, interactive examples and DMP tools demonstrate how a DMP can present an anchor for you research data management.

Lecturer: Dr. Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin

Target audience: Scientific staff, Researchers

Date: 12.02.2025 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Registration: Please register here.

All registered participants will be sent the link for participation in advance by e-mail.

This course will present the basics of research data management (RDM). You will learn the most important aspects of RDM and we will explain requirements by third-party funders and how you can best fulfill those requirements.


  • Goals of research data management
  • Research data policies
  • Data management plans
  • Data structuring and filing
  • Metadata and metadata standards
  • Long term preservation, file formats
  • Publication of data, persistent identifier
  • Support by the University Library

Technical requirements here.

Target audience: Scientific staff, Researchers


12.11.2024 9 am - 11 am Registration here
26.03.2025 9 am - 11 am Registration here


Do you know your h-index and your citation counts? How are impact factor and h-index defined and what is their relevance? How can you manage your scholarly identity to improve the visibility of your research?

This course provides you with an overview of bibliometric measures and academic identity management. You learn how to make sure that you get credit for all your publications in literature databases and how to improve your own publication strategy.

Topics - Academic Identity Management

  • Visibility of authors
  • Identity management for authors via ORCID
  • Author profiles in literature databases (Web of Science/Publons, Scopus and Google Scholar)
  • Publication Guidelines of TUM (Affiliation)

Topics - Bibliometrics

  • Bibliometric measures and databases
  • Journal-level metrics (e.g. Impact Factor, CiteScore)
  • Author-level metrics (e.g. h-index)
  • Article-level metrics
  • Possibilities, limitations and adverse effects, responsible metrics
Target audience Scientists, Doctoral Candidates
Upcoming dates:

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Holzgartenstraße 16, 70174 Stuttgart


Information Desk Vaihingen

Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart

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