Free electronic resources

Free Electronic Resources

License free electronic resource" (LFER) means that this is a free online resource that you can usually access without restriction via the “full text” button.
*If the “full text” button is missing under the statement „License free electronic resource“, it concerns journals or book series from which individual issues are made available free of charge. In this case, the link “Volumes/works included to choose from” will take you further.
Explanation: For journals or series, often only individual years or only individual articles are freely accessible. Nevertheless, the catalog listing for the journal or series has to be marked with “LFER” for technical reasons.

*If you have acess problems, please report the faulty documents via our contact form „Ask a librarian“ at the bottom of this page.


Frag die UB


Team Monografien (TM)

Holzgartenstraße 16, 70174 Stuttgart


Team Zeitschriften und E-Ressourcen (T4)

Holzgartenstraße 16, 70174 Stuttgart

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