Academic Publication Management PUMA
The University of Stuttgart Library offers the Academic Publication Management PUMA. PUMA is an open source web application based on BibSonomy and offers for example the following possibilities:
- User login/authentication via ac-, fn- or st-account
- online reference management
- automatic import of bibliographic information (metadata) from different catalogs
- dynamic output of reference lists (e.g. own publication list, institute publication list) via plugin on the own website (OpenCms, WordPress, Typo3) or on other systems in different citation styles
- sharing the reference lists publicly or in groups
- uploading documents (pdf, doc, ppt, jpg, etc...)
- sending publication metadata to the University Bibliography
- export and import of data in different standard formats (BibTeX, Endnote, CSL, ...)
Courses for institutes and information for specific requirements are offered on request.
- Write e-mail
- Write an email to the PUMA team

Jens Müller
Academic Liaison Librarian, Media Services (Head),
Academic Publication Management (PUMA)