The publication of the dissertation is part of the doctoral degree studies. A prescribed number of mandatory copies has to be submitted to the University Library within one year after the oral examination (within two years for the humanities). The submission of the mandatory copies of the dissertation and their form are specified in the current Doctoral Degree Regulations of the University of Stuttgart.
Doctoral students who were accepted or admitted to doctoral degree studies before the new version of the Doctoral Degree Regulations (April 1, 2019) came into effect can still complete their doctoral degree studies according to the Doctoral Degree Regulations 2016 (DE).
However, please take note that interim regulations must be complied with (cf. sec. 21 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations 2019).
The number of mandatory copies to be submitted (see sec. 13, par. 2 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations 2019) and which further documents we require from you depends on the type of publication.
Even if the doctoral degree studies are completed in accordance with older Doctoral Degree Regulations, doctoral students are free to publish the dissertation according to the terms of sec. 13 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations 2019.
Electronic Publication on the Publication Server of the University of Stuttgart (OPUS)
You publish the dissertation via the University Library, freely accessible online.
Further information on Publishing with OPUS
Further information on the procedure for Dissertations
We need from you:
- the electronic version
For this purpose, please log in to OPUS and upload the file(s) including the description of your work via an online form. - 6 printed copies
- the licensing terms (DE) filled out and signed by you
Please note the guidelines for the outer form below.
Publication in a Publishing House
A commercial publisher handles the production and distribution via bookstores.
We need from you:
- 6 copies of the publisher’s edition
- the publisher’s evidence of a print run of at least 150 copies or confirmation that the title will be available for at least four years in case of Print on Demand
Please note the guidelines for the outer form below.
You commission a printer or a print shop with the printing of your dissertation.
We need from you:
- 34 printed copies
Please note the guidelines for the outer form below.
Publication as Volume of an Institution Series
If your dissertation is released within a series published by an institution of the University of Stuttgart, the number of mandatory copies to be submitted and which further documents we need from you depend on the publication type of the series.
- If the series is published electronically, the regulations for the electronic publication apply.
- If the series is released in a publishing house, the regulations for publisher releases apply.
- If the series is published by the institute itself, the regulations for self-printing apply.
Publication as Special Print
You publish your dissertation in a journal. In the journal the work has to be marked as dissertation in a footnote. The journal title, the year (or volume), and the page number have to be absolutely clear from the copies to be submitted.
We need from you:
- 6 copies of the special print
Please note the guidelines for the outer form below.
The outer form of the respective publication type is regulated in the „Leaflet for Doctoral Students Regarding the Outer Form of the Dissertations" (appendix to the Doctoral Degree Regulations, only available in German).
Please pay attention to the following:
- At least the mandatory copies to be submitted must contain a dissertation title page that corresponds to Appendix 1 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations (see on the right).
Please note the partially deviating regulations at SC SimTech and GSaME. - At least the mandatory copies to be submitted must contain a German and a usually English abstract
- In case of being published in a publishing house, the entire edition has to be marked as dissertation by imprinting the code number "D 93" (stands for "Dissertation of the University of Stuttgart").
"D 93" can only be omitted if the entire edition contains the indication in plain writing that it is a dissertation or if the dissertation title page is the only title page. - The dissertation must be printed on both sides.
- The binding type must not be a spiral binding, but a durable binding, e.g. adhesive binding.
- Due to the long-term archiving, recycling paper must not be used. If possible, the dissertation should be printed on acid-free paper.
- Standard format of the printed copies is DIN A5.
In special cases, e.g. works with larger drawings and tables, other formats may be used, preferably DIN A4. However, this must be approved by the doctoral committee depending on the faculty or institution.
- At least the mandatory copies to be submitted must contain a dissertation title page that corresponds to Appendix 1 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations (see on the right).
Please inquire further specifications from the office of the dean responsible for you. In cases of doubt, only the responsible doctoral committee is authorized to make decisions, not the library or the main reporter (see sec. 7, par. 1 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations).
Both the mandatory copies and the corresponding documents have to be submitted at:
University of Stuttgart Library
Team Publication Services (T3)
Holzgartenstr. 16
70174 Stuttgart
The „Dissertation Office“ is located on the ground floor (room 00.098). Please make an appointment for the submission with us beforehand:
- +49 711 685-83512
- E-Mail
Alternatively, you can ask someone else to submit both your dissertation and the corresponding documents or send them to us via mail. In your package please include your contact details (address, telephone number, email address) and the address of your main reporter.
If you would like to send the dissertation from a non-EU country, please contact us in advance regarding the customs procedure.
As soon as we have received everything in correct and complete form, we send 4 copies of the dissertation to the main reporter (in accordance with sec. 13, par. 4 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations). The main reporter compares the copies to the manuscript and reports the correspondence by forwarding one copy to the respective office of the dean.
Clearance is given by the dean or the chairperson of the doctoral committee. The office of the dean informs both the University Library and the examination office of the clearance. The examination office issues the certificate and we add the dissertation to the library holdings and release the electronic version, if applicable.
An overview of dissertations completed in Stuttgart, sorted by faculty, can be found in the biannually published directory "Dissertationen und Habilitationsschriften der Universität Stuttgart".
Information Pages of the University
Information Pages of the Faculties and Institutions
- Faculty 1: Architecture and Urban Planning
- Faculty 2: Civil- and Environmental Engineering
- Faculty 3: Chemistry
- Faculty 4: Energy-, Process- and Bio-Engineering (DE)
- Faculty 5: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Faculty 6: Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy
- Faculty 7: Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering (DE)
- Faculty 8: Mathematics and Physics
- Faculty 9: Humanities (DE)
- Faculty 10: Management, Economics and Social Sciences (DE)
- GSaME: Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering
- SC SimTech: Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science