The plaster models are part of the extensive collection of mathematical models at the Department of Mathematics. The models were produced from 1880 onwards by the company Ludwig Brill (Darmstadt) and have suffered greatly and suffered splintering in their more than one hundred year history. Mrs. Dipl.-Rest. Elisabeth Hustedt-Martens was therefore commissioned by Prof. Witt to restore several models.
Condition before restoration by Dipl.-Rest. Elisabeth Hustedt-Martens
Photo: Elisabeth Hustedt-Martens
The model series Brill series 7, third order surfaces, is only very rarely completely preserved. The Department of Mathematics owns all 25 models of this series, which were designed by Dr. Karl Friedrich Rodenberg in 1881. A total of 47 plaster models are represented in the collection, including a model "Ellipsoids with curvature lines", which was designed by Rudolf Diesel in1878 (plaster model 43, Brill Series 3).
The models were photographed by Frank Wiatrowski of the University Library/Digitization Department.