Library A to Z

We have compiled the alphabetical list of terms and keywords for the library and its services as another source of information.


Academic Liaisons
subject areas

Selection, indexing, and procurement of specialized literature
Interface between University Library and institutes
Management of organization subunits and execution of projects

Access to Electronic Resources
The University Library licenses access to electronic resources (e-journals, e-books, databases, theses, etc.) for the University.
Information for students with disabilities.
Acquisition Coordination
Coordination form acquisition, item coordination

According to the administrative order for the library system of the University of Stuttgart, the institutes are obliged to coordinate the acquisition of certain items (e.g. journals, serial works, expensive works and multiple copies) with the University Library.

Addresses of the University Library
Mailing address:
Letters: Postfach 10 49 41, 70043 Stuttgart
Packages: Holzgartenstr. 16, 70174 Stuttgart
Street address City Center:
Holzgartenstraße 16, 70174 Stuttgart
Street address Vaihingen:
Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart
Book Drop
For the return of items outside of the service hours, the University Library provides a book drop at the Vaihingen location. It is located in direct vicinity to the library entrance, to the right of the revolving doors.
There you can return your borrowed items via the two drop slots. Please note that the booking date in our library system counts as the return date, not the date of the return via the book drop.
The book drop has a limited capacity. Once the drop is completely full, the drawers are automatically blocked for deposit.
Use the catalog to determine if the desired item is in the holdings of the University Library.
After the title you will find information on the "availability". Depending on the location, you can
  • request the items from the closed stacks or the other location of the University Library or put the item on hold if it is currently on loan (for that, change to the "circulation system" via the arrow)
  • collect the item from the open shelves area and borrow it at the checkout terminal
You can borrow 150 items in total.
Borrowing for Use in the Reading Room
Some items can only be checked out for use in the reading room because they are old or need to be protected for other reasons or because they are loose-leaf collections. Items for reading room use are only available at the circulation desk during service hours.
Campus Delivery Service (LEA)
Local Electronic Article Delivery Service, Article Order

Free electronic article delivery service for students and employees of the University of Stuttgart.

There are several lockable carrels, equipped with desk, chair, and desk lamp, available at the City Center location. They can be rented free of charge for 1 month. Please register for the carrels via "Ask a Librarian". The lockable carrels in the City Center location are no longer available due to the constructional situation.
Change of Address
Change address, new address, move

Students with an ECUS please report changes of address immediately via the Campus management portal C@MPUS.
External users / private individuals please report changes immediately to the University Library.

Circulation Desk
You can reach the circulation desks Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Circulation Desk City Center: Telephone +49 711 685-82224
Circulation Desk Vaihingen: Telephone +49 711 685-64096
Citavi Campus License
The University of Stuttgart has acquired the reference management system Citavi as a campus license. It is a Windows-based software for reference management and knowledge organization.
Closed Stacks
The closed stacks are not freely accessible. Please request items from these areas via the University Library catalog.
The closed stacks are manned from Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. If the location of item and pick-up is the same, the requested items are available for collection after approximately 20 minutes.
Items from the other library location will be available on the next day after approximately 1 p.m. Exception: items requested on Friday or Saturday will be available for collection on Monday after 1 p.m.
The University Library has got various copy machines at different locations.
Using the ECUS, employee or guest card, you can make copies, prints, or scans here.
Course offer
Guided tours, courses, and training events of the University Library are offered regulary at both the City Center and Vaihingen location, especially at the beginning of the semester, however.
If required, further events and dates can be offered – for groups, seminars, tutorials, or new employees, for example.
Please register.
Course Reserve Collections
You can find course reserve collections in the respective reading room at both locations of the University Library. Items from course reserve collections are non-borrowable.
Database Offer, DBIS
Via the Database Information System (DBIS), the University of Stuttgart Library offers you access to a multitude of scientific databases for all subject areas.
In these databases you can conduct literature searches or retrieve factual information or full texts.
Decentralized Libraries
Information for and on all libraries of the University of Stuttgart.
Departmental Libraries
There are following departmental libraries within the reading room area of the Vaihingen location:
Biology Library
Chemistry Library
Mathematics Library
Physics Library
In these areas the holdings of the individual faculty libraries have been merged with those of the University Library. The departmental libraries are reference libraries.
You can find the holdings for the individual subjects that are available for borrowing in the open shelves area.
You can close your account anytime if you do not wish to use the University Library anymore. In order to do so, please contact one of the two circulation desks during service hours or via email.
Digital Collections
Here you can find the digitized items from older holdings made available by the University of Stuttgart Library. The focus is on photographs, maps, plans, and architectural drawings. The collection is continuously being expanded.
Digitization of Books on Request
We digitize public domain works for digital teaching and research on request.
Directions to the University Library
Navigation, route planning

Directions for the trip to the University Library

Dissertations (Mandatory Submission)
The publication of the dissertation is part of the doctoral degree studies. A prescribed number of mandatory copies has to be submitted to the University Library within one year after the oral examination (within two years for the humanities). The submission of the mandatory copies of the dissertation and their form are specified in the current Doctoral Degree Regulations of the University of Stuttgart.
The ECUS student ID card (Electronic Card University of Stuttgart).
Student ID card, digital wallet, library card, key card, ticket for public transport, and some more.
The University of Stuttgart is part of the eduroam network, which provides members of affiliated educational institutions with W-LAN access at numerous facilities worldwide. You can access this network in the University Library buildings.
Electronic Journals
The Electronic Journals Library is a service to facilitate the use of scholarly journals of the Internet. It offers a fast, structured and unified interface to access full-text articles online.
Electronic Publication
Our various services facilitate your scientific work, research and the publication of your results.
Electronic Resources (Access)
The University of Stuttgart Library offers access to a multitude of electronic resources such as databases, e-journals, and e-books. On this page you can find information on the use of those offers.
Email address
Students of the University of Stuttgart have the student email address stored in the library account automatically.
Employees of the University of Stuttgart with an ac-account have the university email address stored in the library account automatically.
Employees of the University of Stuttgart without an ac-account and private individuals / external users can enter the email address in their library account.
Emergency Network
Museums, archives, and libraries in Stuttgart store cultural assets of international, national, and regional significance.
In the event of a catastrophe (fire, storm, collapse), these have to be recovered completely. For this reason, 14 institutions in Stuttgart have joined forces in an emergency network. In the case of "emergencies", be it serious damage to buildings, by fire or water, a large number of experts and trained support staff has to be mobilized to initiate and coordinate the necessary measures. The University Library has been a member since 2013.
At the City Center location of the library, an auditorium for approx. 120 persons, supplied with modern lecture technology, is available for events within the university context (exhibition openings, guest lectures, conferences, etc.). For inquiries please turn to the Secretary's Office of the University Library.
We offer teaching and research a space to present results publicly.
Faculty Libraries
List of all faculty libraries of the University of Stuttgart.
Services subject to charges are regulated by the library fee regulation at the University of Stuttgart, e.g. fees for interlibrary loan requests, overdue fines, or the reimbursement of postage.
They have to be paid in cash at one of the circulation desks during service hours.
Gift Submissions
We are glad to accept gifts of books and journals if they are in good condition and a useful addition to the library’s holdings. Due to limited space, this must be checked by the University Library in each individual case.

Please take note of the following points:
• Please direct gift offers to
• For more extensive gift offers, we ask for a list of the books offered in advance (with title, authors/editors, ISBN, year of publication, and if applicable, edition)
• You are welcome to use our form which is available for download:
Please contact the Team Publication Services (T3).
Historical Stocks - Digital
We digitize historical sources and objects for science.
You can put a hold on borrowed items online free of charge. If you wish, you will be notified, either free of charge via email or for reimbursement of postage via mail, as soon as the desired item is ready to be collected from the pick-up shelves. Holds are available for collection under your pick-up code for 7 days. You can find the pick-up code in your library account.
Image Database
The University Library provides the University Image Database (EasyDB) as the central image server of the University of Stuttgart. The use is free of charge for all members of the University.
Information Desk
For inquiries you reach us:
in writing via: "Ask a Librarian"
in person on location (City Center): Monday to Friday between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
in person on location (Vaihingen): Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 12 a.m.
via telephone under
City Center: +49 711 685-82273
Vaihingen: +49 711 685-64044
Institute Libraries
Faculty libraries, libraries of central institutions

Literature from the holdings of the institute libraries cannot be requested for pick-up at the University Library.
Please turn directly to the library in question, but note that the holdings are usually reference collections. As a rule, they are non-borrowable.

Interlibrary Loan
Document Delivery

You can request items and literature that are not in the holdings of the University Library from other libraries via interlibrary loan. For an interlibrary loan request you need a valid library card of the University of Stuttgart Library.
Interlibrary loan items have to be picked at the respective circulation desk during service hours.

Item Coordination
The coordination and cooperation between the institute libraries and the University Library is regulated in the administrative order for the library system of the University of Stuttgart.
Item Listings (Internal)
To make sure that the literature needed for teaching and research - part of which is very expensive - can be found, all items acquired have to be listed in the catalog of the library system in accordance with the administrative order.
Item Location
Book Locations, Open Shelves, Closed Stacks, Reading Room, Periodicals

The literature is divided by subject area between the library locations City Center and Vaihingen.

The Information and Communication Center of the University of Stuttgart (IZUS) offers the university one-stop information supply and IT services.
Journals and Newspapers
Daily papers, reading room periodicals, weekly papers

Most journals and newspapers (periodicals) are set up in the reading room and are non-borrowable. Generally, the last 10 years of a journal title are set up by subject in the reading room. Within the subject, the journals are sorted alphabetically by title.

Beside being available for nursing or changing the child, the room may be used for studying and working while caring for the child in a child-friendly environment. For this purpose it is equipped with a worktable and the KidsBox.The KidsBox is a mobile nursery for children up to primary school age.
It contains books and toys, a travel crib, mattresses for the floor, and a hook-on high chair which can be attached to the own worktable. A small desk with a stool is also available for older children.
Learning Center
In the respective reading room area of both the City Center and Vaihingen location you can find a study environment with group study workspaces and presentation rooms. The new, modernly equipped study environments allow team and project work.
Library Account
Overview of loans, requests and reservations, and charges (overdue fines, interlibrary loan fees, postal charges)
Sign in via the homepage at „My library account“ with the user ID (ac…, st…, ub…).
University members get their initial password from the University, for external users the password is their date of birth with the prefix ub (ubDD.MM.YYYY).
At the first login, the initial password must be changed via
In case of a forgotten password, you can have it reset at the TIK Helpdesk if you are a student, by your institute admin if you are an employee, and at the circulation desk if you are an external user.
Library Computers
We offer library computers for research at both the City Center and the Vaihingen location of the library.
(workspaces for research)
Library Fee Regulation
Basically, the use of the University of Stuttgart Library (borrowing and library card) is free of charge. Services subject to charges are regulated by the library fee regulation at the University of Stuttgart, e.g. fees for interlibrary loan requests, overdue fines, or the reimbursement of postage.
Library System
The library system is the association of all libraries of the University:
  • the University Library as the central library
  • all decentralized libraries of the institutes and faculties
  • institutes with reference collections via the University Library
Loan Period
Location of Items
location of books, open shelves, reading room periodicals, closed stacks

The literature is divided between the library locations City Center and Vaihingen by subject area.

Lockable Trolleys
Lockable trolleys, in which you can keep your study materials and which you can move around the reading room, are available free of charge at the City Center location. They can be used for one month. Please register.
You can find daily lockers for short-term use during the day and lockers for longer-term use at both locations.
Loss of Card
Loss, lost, ECUS, student ID card

Please report the loss of your library card to the University Library immediately. You will then receive a substitute library card on producing an official photo ID and paying a fee of €2.50 at the circulation desk.
Please report the loss of the student ID card ECUS directly to the Admissions Office. There you will receive a substitute student ID card for a fee of €10.

Loss of Item
Lost, book

Report the loss in time to one of the circulation desks. If the item cannot be found after a certain period of time, it has to be replaced.

Map and Plan Collection
There are approximately 7,000 architectural drawings and photographs in the map and plan collection of the University Library.
Th collection includes works by Giovanni Salucci, Leopoldo Retti, Reinhard F. H. Fischer, Balthasar Neumann, Carl Friedrich Beisbarth, Christian Friedrich Leins, Wilhelm Linck, Erwin Rohrberg und Rotraud Harling.
Nautos is a bibliographical database for standards from 27 countries (e.g. ANSI, DIN, ISO), technical regulations, as well as German legal provisions with a technical reference, and applicable EU directives including VDI standards.
New Acquisitions
When added to the catalog, newly acquired items are marked with the subject area and date of acquisition and can be searched there this way.
Email Notification

In certain cases you receive notifications from the library:

  • email reminders about expiry of loan period (if an email address has been entered in the library account)
  • notifications about items ready for pick-up
  • information on overdue fees.

Open Access
Open Access stands for free access to qualified scientific publications, i.e. the texts are free of charge and publicly available online. They can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, and printed without financial, legal or technical barriers. In any case, the author keeps the copyright to his article.
Open Access Policy
The University of Stuttgart regards it as its mission to develop promising innovations and to ensure the education of future generations. It stands by its commitment to make the knowledge and the collective achievements of its scientists available to society. For this reason, the University of Stuttgart supports, apart from the possibility to publish dissertations and habilitation theses electronically, further Open Access publication models.
Open Access Publication Fund
The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports the OA Fund. This way, scientists at the University of Stuttgart will continue to be supported in publishing research results in Open Access journals.
(Publication Fund)
Open Stacks (City Center Location)
In the open stacks at the City Center Location you can find literature published since 1990 for the subjects Geography, History, Education, Philosophy, Psychology, Law, Economics, Social Sciences, and Literary Studies for self service.
OPUS is the publication server (the institutional repository) of the University of Stuttgart. All members of the University of Stuttgart can publish documents that are of lasting interest for research and teaching in the sense of Open Access here.
(Institutional Repository)
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit organization that provides authors with persistent digital identifiers (ORCID iDs).
Overdue Notices
The University Library charges overdue fines for items whose loan period has expired. They are due after being registered in the charges account.The account will be blocked, once the overdue fines have reached a minimum of €6.
Parent-Child Room
At both the City Center and Vaihingen location of the University Library you can find a parent-child room for the self-organized care of your children. The parent-child room can be used in case of child care emergencies on short notice. Please turn to the respective circulation desk.
The initial password for private individuals / external users is: ubDD.MM.YYYY
People at the University Library
Person-related Institute Cards
Person-related institute cards are transferable, that means that, in addition to the person named in the card and responsible, other people (e.g. Hiwis) may use the card. Lecturers or employees of the University can receive an institute card.
Pick-up Shelves
Pick-up area, checkout terminals, checkout stations

Pick-up shelves at both the City Center and Vaihingen location.
Items requested from the closed stacks or from the other location or put on hold are available on the respective pick-up shelves for 7 weekdays, sorted by pick-up codes. Your personal pick-up code is displayed in your library account. You collect the items from the shelves yourself and book them to your account at the checkout terminals. Exception: interlibrary loans, non-book materials, and items only intended for use in the reading room. These are still available at the respective circulation desk.

Overview of the current projects at the University of Stuttgart Library.
Publications of the University Library
Overview of publications of the University of Stuttgart Library.
(Publications, University Library publications)
Information on Publishing.
PUMA – Academic Publication Management
The University of Stuttgart Library offers the Academic Publication Management PUMA. PUMA is an open source web application based on BibSonomy.
Purchase Request
Have you got a request for a book that you do not find in the catalog? Are you missing an important textbook in the University Library or is it not available in sufficient quantity? In this case please let us know.
Reference Management Systems
Reference management systems help to collect and structure literature for your scientific work.
Library card, private individual, external users, employees, students

Students of the University of Stuttgart receive the student ID card ECUS with their enrollment documents, with this they are registered at the University Library and can use all its services.
Employees of the University of Stuttgart with an ac-account can log into all services of the University Library using the SIAM user code (ac…) at the SIAM self service.
External users / private individuals / employees of the University of Stuttgart without an ac-account receive the library card on registering at one of the two circulation desks.

Renewal of the Loan Period
If the item has not been put on hold by another user, the loan period can be renewed 5 times (10 days at the earliest before expiry) by one month each. You can renew online via "My library account" or "Ask a Librarian" on the homepage, not by telephone, however.
Research Data Management (FDM)
The University Library supports the scientists at the University of Stuttgart in managing, storing, and sharing their research data.
Restricted Literature
The term „restricted literature“ includes writings that are classified under Sec. 86 StGB (propaganda material of unconstitutional organizations including those in the National Socialist tradition), under Sec. 130, 131, par. 1 StGB (depiction of violence, inciting of racial hatred) or under Sec. 6 GjS (dissemination of publications harmful to young persons). Providing them to users of full age for use in the reading room is only possible with a written proof of scientific interest.
return book, return items

Books of the University of Stuttgart Library can be returned at the return station during opening hours. A library card is not needed for the return.
Items can be returned at the respective other library location. Short-term loans are an exception. They have to be returned at the library location where they have been borrowed.
Please return interlibrary loans or other items, such as CDs or microfiches, at the circulation desk during service hours, or leave them with the security staff outside of service hours to have them booked out of your account on the next workday.
Items can be sent back to one of the circulation desks via mail at your own risk. Please take note that fees can incur in case of loss or damage of the items or a delay during shipping.

RSS News Feed
newsletter, news, current information

There is the option of subscribing to the latest news from the University Library as an RSS news feed.

You can find several scanners in the University Library at both the City Center and Vaihingen location. Using the book scanner, you can make color scans from books and journals up to DIN A2 and directly transfer them to flash drives. This service is free of charge.
Self-Study Materials
Our study materials and tutorials will help you even outside our opening hours.
Service Hours
Service hours are the times when the circulation desks at the City Center and Vaihingen locations are staffed with qualified personnel. During service hours, it is possible, for example, to register for the use of the library, to receive a substitute card, to pay fees, and to pick up interlibrary loans and locker keys. Service hours are Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Saturday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Shelf Classification in the Reading Room
The items (books and journals) in the reading room and the open shelves area are set up by subjects and by topics within the subjects. You can find the classification of the University Library in the catalog.
Short-term Loan
Borrowing, Reading room

For a part of the reference collection, there is the possibility of a short-term loan.
You can check these items out at the circulation desk during service hours (Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.), the loan period ends at noon on the seventh day after the checkout day.
They have to be returned at the library location where they have been checked out. In case of delayed return, short-term loans are subject to increased overdue fines.
A renewal of the loan period or an immediate new checkout is not possible.

You can find DIN standards in the Nautos database. It is a bibliographical database for standards from 29 countries (e.g. ANSI, DIN, ISO), technical regulations, as well as German legal provisions with a technical reference, and applicable EU directives including VDI.
Currently only the national version is licensed for the University of Stuttgart.
You can search the currently valid DIN (without VDE standards), VDI, PAS, and other standards in full text.
DIN standards with VDE marking can be viewed in the printed version in the library at the Vaihingen location (location "Standards" under Ra 11 on the 2nd level). As well as the VDE standards they can also be viewed online in VDE NormenBibliothek online (only reading access).
International standards (IEC, ISO etc.) are only included if they have made their way into national regulations (e.g. DIN ISO ...). (DIN standards, VDE standards, VDI standards)
Study Cubicles
There are several study cubicles available on the 2nd floor of the reading room at the City Center location (WLAN area of the university). They can be occupied without a registration and are not lockable.
Terms of Use
The conditions for borrowing and the use of the University Library are regulated in the Terms of Use.
Training at the University Library
The University Library is a training institution for library professions and for bookbinders.
You can find all information on unenrollment on the information page „Unenrollment“ of the Admissions Office. After unenrolling you can continue to use the University Library as a private individual / external user.
University Archives
In the Stuttgart University Archives you will find documents, photos, digital data, and scholars‘ papers on the history of the University of Stuttgart and the scientific disciplines represented at it.
University Bibliography
Publications of the members of the University of Stuttgart.
University Library PC Pool (City Center)
Computer workspaces, computer pool

During the building opening hours of the University Library, City Center location, students of the University of Stuttgart have the opportunity to work at one of 40 workspaces that the IZUS-TIK (Technical Information and Communication Services) operates in the Information Center (1st floor).

University Library User Code
Card number, library card number, user code

The University Library user code is for

  • students of the University of Stuttgart the student user ID st...
  • employees of the University of Stuttgart with an ac-account the university SIAM ID ac...
  • private individuals / external users / employees of the University of Stuttgart without an ac-account the code starting with ub... on the library card
With the user code and your password you can
  • request, borrow and put holds on items
  • renew loan periods
  • open e-books / e-journals and databases licensed by the University Library

Using the University Library Without Registration
The reading rooms can be used without a library card at all times. Borrowing, requesting items, and the use of electronic resources, however, are not possible without a library card.
Video Conference Room
At the Vaihingen location we offer members of the University of Stuttgart the use of a video conference room.
VPN Access
Network access

Members of the University of Stuttgart receive secure access to the university network from anywhere via a VPN client (Cisco AnyConnect).

Internet, network access

The public areas at both the City Center and Vaihingen location of the University Library are provided with WiFi access points.

A variety of workspaces is available in the buildings of the University Library during all library opening hours.
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